When that fails, the responsibility falls to citizens....
Megyn Kelly Goes Off On Code Pink Co-Founder Who Accosted Karl Rove
by Colby Hall | 3:33 pm, March 31st, 2010
Yesterday we reported about some determined Code Pink protesters who heckled Karl Rove the Fox News analyst and former Bush adviser, calling him a liar, and a war criminal. Well today, the protester, and Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans appeared on Fox News and felt the ire of host Megyn Kelly. The spirited video below:
Where was the rest of the Main Stream Media on this story?
Oooops they were too busy talking about Tea Parties!
The only way MSM will do anything with Code Pink is if Code Pink goes after one of their own…say, for example, Obama’s Administration for staying in the Afgan War. Then the MSM will be very quick to do a Cindy Sheehan on Code Pink and reduce their purpose to nothing…
Notice how Cindy Sheehan is virtually non-existent today after she went after Hillary?
Tea party protest are scary to the media and violent because they have signs… but if you are a liberal actually attacking someone with handcuffs that is okay to them. War crimes require a tribunal.
Evan Coyne Maloney remembers
True peace loving patriots should model themselves on this lesson in patriotic dissent and cover their faces in shame for doubting our Great Leader!
great points! MSM certainly covered the Tea Party Town Halls as disruptive, painting it negatively in every way possible…
So, let’s just wait for MSM to also cover Code Pink’s disruptions…
(I’m not holding my breath; I’m betting that I won’t see this news anywhere except on Fox)
March 31, 2010 at 4:24 pm
Karl is liar – whatever makes his life harder is wonderful.
Real class act aren’t ya?
When they (the politicians) found themselves being questioned by real people instead of the fellating MSM they suddenly realized they would have to give real answers. It all went downhill from there. It was hilarious watching the bosses (the citizens) berate the bejesus out of the employees (elected officials) for a change.
If you recall, that’s when the mood of the electorate shifted and the support for The One & Congress began toppling rapidly because it became obvious the congress wasn’t on our side, they were out for themselves & protecting The One.
Classic over-reach and backfire by the loons on the left.
Let’s look at liberal hate shall we. A trip down memory lane:
Get a life!!
Hey Mediaite, you got the headline wrong.
It should be “Codepink goes off on Rove.” Karl Rove had to lock-out ticket sales in Northern California to be private/secret invitations only.
Jodie Evans comes off well here. Megyn Kelly looks like a Nazi.
Hot Air: CIA says attorney access at Gitmo has placed agent lives in danger
Florida Doctor Tells Obama Voters To Go Somewhere Else For Care
by Colby Hall | 3:06 pm, Friday
A Florida urologist is making news today for posting a sign on his office door that states "If you voted for Obama, seek urological care elsewhere. Dr. Jack Cassell. Local radio host Bud Hedinger was on Fox News today to discuss this and claimed that "people were on fire about this story and almost unanimously backing the doctor's right to free speech."