Thursday, March 18, 2010

Citizens with the Right Idea to Hold Congress Accountable

Building Your Local Open Government Tribe

Your vote:
Yes No
Hillary Hartley, NIC Inc. | EGOV
2010 = the year of "civic hacktivism." Now that everyone (not just Dean and Obama) is using the Internet as a political organizing tool, the era of the e-government mashup is upon us. Learn how groups across the U.S. are catalyzing their governments to be open, transparent, and participatory.
  1. How can tech-savvy citizens improve government?
  2. Is Open Government a partisan issue?
  3. Is it important to have people "inside" government to get things done?
  4. How do I connect with other people in my area interested in Open Government?
  5. How are the different Open Government groups working together?
  6. What is the difference between Open Government and Government 2.0?
  7. What are the best practices of a successful Open Government group?
  8. Where can I act as a can opener to my local or state government?
  9. What is the low hanging fruit my group can focus on?
  10. How can I sell my services to the government?
Case Study, Community / Online Community, Government and Technology, New Technology / Next Generation
Interactive 2010
on 17/8/09
I'm a co-organizer of this panel, and will bring stories from the process of starting our Open Government Chicago meetup.
on 21/8/09
Very interesting. I cover Web 2.0 and the digital divide in my panel submission ( If we're both selected, I would like to have you on my panel!
on 25/8/09
I dig the idea of talking about creating a local tribe. I think getting a grassroots org across the country/world is something that's been missing as part of this whole open gov ecosystem.
on 1/9/09
Steven Clift,
Matt Cooperider, OpenGovNYC
Steve Ressler, GovLoop
on 1/9/09
Great Idea.
Here's my pitch to the Voters to embrace OpenGov
on 2/9/09
I'm really curious to hear case studies on this.
rachel weidinger
on 3/9/09
Love "Where can I act as a can opener to my local or state government?" Hillary has a great perspective how how many locales are thinking about open government and is a huge resource and connector. Looking forward to learning from the panel of smarties she'll bring together.
on 3/9/09
Great idea. I voted yes.

Please check out my presentation and the links below.

Thanks ... April

on 3/9/09
Rock on, Hillary! I give you a thumbs up:)
-@lizasperling /
corey denis
on 4/9/09
nice job Hillary - I'm with Carla, looking forward to hearing the case studies. compelling. also love question #1, empowering citizens. If chosen, i'll be here.
on 13/11/09
. Hope this one gets through.

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